High Chemistry Technology

Serving the Plastics Recycling Industry

Maquinas y Reciclados RAW, SA DE CV
52 (477) 945-8784


Now that you have made an investment to achieve a washed flake… You now hold in your hands the best tool for your finished product to reach its maximum potential.

This should generate access to more demanding markets, like textile fibers, film manufacturing and even new container packaging.



To have a presence within the plastic recycling industry, by offering our clients high-quality and cutting-edge products, services and advice.

Doing it with the conviction of the importance of recycling, within human activity, to help care for our planet.


Get to have a prestigious name that is recognized in the plastic recycling industry in Mexico.


We are a company whose main value is the sense of social responsibility. Committed to the quality of our products, to improve the value chain of recycled plastic in Mexico.